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How to Get Your Kid Started in Golf

How to Get Your Kid Started in Golf

How to Get Your Kid Started in Golf: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents

Golf is an incredible sport for kids, blending physical activity, skill development, and tons of fun. Whether you're a golf fanatic eager to share your passion or just looking for a new way to get your child outdoors, this guide is here to help. Let’s dive into some tips to ensure your junior golfer has fun and stays engaged with the sport.

Article Summary:

●       Make It Fun and Engaging: Ensure that golf is enjoyable for your child by incorporating games, challenges, and varied activities. Keep lessons short and exciting to match their attention span and always prioritise having fun over strict adherence to routines.

●       Teach Proper Etiquette and Use the Right Equipment: Introduce your child to the basic rules and etiquette of golf to instil values like respect and integrity. Equip them with junior-specific clubs and comfortable attire to help them learn and play effectively.

●       Keep Their Interest Alive: Maintain your child's enthusiasm by mixing up practice locations, participating in group lessons, and planning family golf outings. Celebrate their progress and achievements to build confidence and a lasting love for the game.


Benefits of Golf for Kids

Physical Health and Safety

Golf is one of the safest sports for kids, with minimal physical contact and fewer injuries. Courses are typically in safe locations away from traffic, with experienced instructors keeping an eye on things. Golf also gets kids off the couch and into the fresh air, promoting healthy exercise habits from a young age. It enhances hand-eye coordination and motor skills, providing low-impact cardio that keeps them fit and healthy.

Social and Emotional Development

More than just a game, golf is a social activity. Playing with other kids helps build strong friendships and social skills. The highs and lows of the game teach kids to stay focused, manage their emotions, and keep a positive outlook. Golf also instils patience, discipline, respect, and personal responsibility—values that stick with them for life.

Generational and Lifelong Enjoyment

Golf is a generational sport often passed down through families, creating opportunities for shared memories and traditions. If you already play, you know the joy of a day spent golfing, and now you can share that with your child. If you're new to golf, learning alongside your child can be a fantastic bonding experience. Golf is a game that can be enjoyed at any age, and its low-intensity nature makes it perfect for kids. They'll have a sport they can play well into adulthood, creating a lifetime of fun and connection.

Getting Kids Started in Golf 

Make it Fun with Varied Activities 

The most important rule for getting kids into golf is making sure they have a blast. Start slow and keep the lessons engaging. Kids have short attention spans, so keep each activity brief and exciting. If they see you having fun, they will too. Remember, your excitement is contagious! Here are some practical examples of how to keep golfing practice engaging for your little ones:

1. Use Games and Challenges: One of the best ways to keep kids engaged is to incorporate games and challenges into their practice. For example, you can set up a putting contest with a small prize for the winner or create a chipping game where they earn points for landing balls in a target. This not only makes practice fun but also helps them improve their skills without even realising it.

2. Keep Lessons Short and Sweet: Kids typically have short attention spans, so keep each lesson or practice session short and focused on one or two activities. For instance, spend 10 minutes on putting, then switch to chipping for another 10 minutes. This variety keeps them engaged and prevents boredom.


  1. Use Kid-Friendly Language: When teaching, use simple and fun terms that kids can easily understand. Instead of getting technical about grip and stance, use phrases like “hot dog grip” or “brush the grass” to make instructions more relatable and fun. The goal is to keep the instruction light and enjoyable.


  1. Mix Up the Locations: Golf doesn’t always have to happen on a traditional course. Take your kids to a mini-golf course or set up a makeshift course in your backyard with plastic balls and household items as targets. These different settings can make learning golf feel like a new adventure each time.


  1. Celebrate Every Achievement: No matter how small the accomplishment, celebrate it! Whether they finally get the ball in the air or hit their first long putt, make a big deal out of it. Positive reinforcement goes a long way in building their confidence and love for the game.
  2. End on a High Note: Always try to end practice sessions while your child is still having fun. If they want to leave after five holes instead of nine, let them. Leaving the course on a positive note will make them more eager to come back next time.

Teach Proper Etiquette and Rules

Golf etiquette is about showing respect for the course, the game, and other players. Teaching kids these values not only helps them become better golfers but also instils life skills that extend beyond the course.

The best way to instil these values is by leading through example. Kids often mimic the behaviour of adults, so demonstrating proper etiquette during your games and explaining why certain actions are important can be very effective. Start with the basics, like staying quiet during a swing and respecting other players' space, and gradually introduce more rules as they become comfortable.

Keeping the learning process simple and fun is crucial. Focus on one or two etiquette points per outing to avoid overwhelming them. You could also try turning these lessons into a game where they earn points for good behaviour!

Here are some key points of golf etiquette:


  1. Respecting Other Players
  • Quiet Please: Teach kids to stay quiet and still when others are about to hit.
  • Don’t Walk in Someone’s Line: Show them how to avoid walking in another player's putting line on the green.
  • Safety First: Explain the importance of not swinging clubs near others and always being aware of their surroundings.
  1. Respecting the Course
  • Replace Divots: Teach them to replace divots on the fairway.
  • Rake Bunkers: Show them how to rake the sand after hitting out of a bunker.
  • Repair Ball Marks: Explain the importance of repairing ball marks on the green.
  1. Playing with Integrity
  • Honesty: Encourage them to keep an honest score.
  • Rules of Golf: Gradually introduce the basic rules, like penalty strokes for lost balls or hitting out of bounds.

Getting the Right Golf Equipment 

Having the right equipment is crucial for young golfers to develop proper skills and enjoy the game. Using junior-specific golf sets designed for children’s height and strength helps them learn the correct swing mechanics and avoid frustration or injury from using inappropriate clubs.

Golf Clubs for Kids 

Start with the basics: a driver, a wood, a few irons, a sand wedge, and a putter. Kids golf clubs categorised by height and weight ensure your child has the right fit. Remember, you don't need to buy an entire set immediately. It's better to have a few well-fitted clubs than a full set that's too large or heavy. Many major golf equipment manufacturers design junior golf sets that are lightweight and appropriately sized for young players.

Golf Balls and Tees

When it comes to golf balls, any standard ball will do for beginners. Kids are likely to lose balls, so there's no need to invest in expensive ones at the start. Letting your child choose the colour of their balls can make them feel more involved and excited about using them. For practice, consider plastic balls that can be used in the backyard. Standard tees and ball markers (a coin works well) are also essential.

Golf Bag 

A lightweight golf bag is a must-have for young golfers. It should be easy to carry and have enough space for their clubs, balls, tees, and other essentials. Junior golf bags are designed to be lighter and more manageable for kids, making it easier for them to carry their own gear and feel more independent on the course.

Involvement in the Selection Process

Involve your child in choosing their equipment. This not only makes them more excited about playing but also gives them a sense of ownership and responsibility. Head to one of our Golf Clearance Outlet stores or browse online, and let them have a say in what they like. Their enthusiasm will likely grow when they get to use the equipment they helped pick out!

Dressing the Part: Golf Attire for Kids

Proper golf attire not only makes kids look the part but also teaches them about course etiquette and helps them feel more confident. While golf clothes don’t need to be expensive, they should be comfortable and appropriate for the game.

Basic Golf Attire 

Typically, kids golf clothes include a collared shirt, comfortable shorts or pants, and appropriate footwear. For boys, this might be a polo shirt and tailored shorts, while girls might wear a polo shirt with a skirt or skort. Avoid jeans or overly casual clothing, as many courses have dress codes that require more traditional golf attire.


Golf shoes have evolved over the years from traditional spikes to more versatile hybrid shoes. For beginners, non-slip tennis shoes work just fine. These shoes provide the necessary grip and stability without the need for specialised golf shoes. As your child becomes more committed to the game, you might consider investing in a pair of kids golf shoes for added traction and stability.


Don’t forget the accessories. A good hat or visor protects against the sun and adds to the golf look. Consider investing in kids golf gloves for benefits such as enhanced grip and protection for the hands. Make sure they have outerwear for cooler weather or unexpected rain. Comfort is key, so ensure their clothing allows for a full range of motion.

Involving Kids in the Choice

Just like with equipment, involving your child in selecting their golf attire can boost their excitement. Let them choose colours and styles they like, as long as they fit the course's dress code. This involvement makes them feel more connected to the sport and eager to show off their new gear on the course.

Keeping the Interest Alive

Once your child is introduced to golf and equipped with the right gear, the next challenge is keeping their interest alive. Here are some practical and engaging tips to ensure your junior golfer remains enthusiastic about the game.

Group Lessons and Programs

Make It Social: Group lessons are a fantastic way to keep kids engaged. Learning with peers makes the experience more enjoyable and less intimidating. Look for instructors who offer group classes or consider organising a small group of your child’s friends for weekly lessons. This not only helps improve their skills but also provides an opportunity to make new friends and enjoy the social aspect of golf.

Explore Different Golf Venues

Mini-Golf Adventures: Golf doesn’t always have to be on a traditional course. Take your kids to a mini-golf course for a fun change of pace. Mini-golf is exciting and colourful, offering different challenges that keep kids entertained while still practising their putting skills.

Driving Ranges and Practice Greens: Visit driving ranges or practice greens to mix up the routine. These places allow for focused practice on specific skills like driving or putting without the pressure of playing a full round. It’s a great way to fit in short, effective practice sessions.

Backyard Golf Games: Set up a makeshift golf course in your backyard using plastic balls and household items as targets. Create fun challenges and obstacles to keep things interesting. This casual setting allows kids to practise in a comfortable and familiar environment.

Make It a Family Affair

Family Golf Outings: Plan family golf outings where everyone can play together. These outings can be a great way to bond and create lasting memories. Keep the atmosphere light and fun, and remember to celebrate everyone's good shots, no matter how small.

Encourage Friendly Competition: A little friendly competition can be very motivating. Set up small challenges within the family, such as who can get the most accurate shot or who can make the longest putt. Keep the competition light-hearted and fun.


Introducing your child to golf can be an incredibly rewarding experience, filled with opportunities for growth, bonding, and fun. By focusing on making the game enjoyable, teaching proper etiquette, providing the right equipment, and keeping their interest alive through varied activities and social interactions, you set the stage for a lifelong love of the sport. Remember to be patient, flexible, and encouraging, celebrating their achievements along the way. With these tips and strategies, you’ll help your junior golfer develop not only their skills but also a deep appreciation for the game.

Ready to get started? Golf Clearance Outlet is your trusted partner for all of your junior golf needs. From kids golf equipment and apparel to expert advice and support, we’ve got everything you need to make your child’s golfing journey a success! Browse online or visit one of our stores today to discover quality golf gear at unbeatable prices.